Thank you for choosing FOSSBilling! Our installer will have you up and running in just a few more minutes.
Simply follow each step below and soon you'll have FOSSBilling installed.

Step 1) Agree to the FOSSBilling license and review error reporting options FOSSBilling is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. You assume responsibility to verify its use and compliance with all local laws that may apply.

Learn more
Step 2) Check system requirements

All basic requirements to install FOSSBilling are met.

Requirement Result
Operating system Linux
PHP version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.20
PHP extension: curl OK
PHP extension: intl OK
PHP extension: openssl OK
PHP extension: pdo_mysql OK
PHP extension: xml OK
PHP extension: dom OK
PHP extension: iconv OK
PHP extension: json OK
PHP extension: zlib OK
PHP extension: gd OK
PHP extension: mbstring OK
PHP extension: opcache OK
PHP extension: imagick OK
PHP extension: bz2 OK
PHP extension: simplexml OK
PHP extension: xml OK
Step 3) Enter database details

Enter your MySQL connection information.

Usually localhost. For Docker, use mysql.
Step 4) Configure your administrator account

Create your administrator login details below.

Step 5 Configure the default currency

Configure your default currency and price format.

Error reporting

FOSSBilling optionally includes automated error reporting which allows us to improve the software and offer better technical support.

Reports are collected using and data is retained securely for up to 90 days.

Automated data scrubbing and filtering is used to prevent sensitive information from being recorded.

See the FOSSBilling documentation for information on what's collected and why you should enable it.